Drew MacEwen on the Issues

Senator Drew MacEwen is a staunch advocate for us and our priorities.

He’s ready to tackle the critical issues that directly impact the well-being and prosperity of our community and nation. Drew’s proven, proactive approach will help him get the job done for us in Congress – just like it did in Olympia.

A Strong Economy

Senator MacEwen believes in fostering a strong economy through a fair, consistent, and clear tax and regulation system. He envisions revitalizing manufacturing in our district and across America by offering incentives and creating opportunity zones.

A Strong Military

Nothing is more important than our national security. We must rebuild our Navy. America needs an ambitious shipbuilding program to add 50 submarines to our fleet. Drew will fight to restore America’s naval dominance as well as get our troops the best equipment and training available.

Secure Border and Immigration Reform

Senator MacEwen will secure our borders and reform immigration laws. That means halting illegal border crossings while promoting a healthy, legal immigration system that grows and strengthens our nation.

Resilient Workforce

To make our workforce stronger, Senator MacEwen will focus on rebuilding the trades, aviation, and maritime jobs. He proposes offering specialized schooling in these areas at military bases worldwide for dependents of military personnel.

A Strong Education

A strong education system is essential to our society and Senator MacEwen has been a consistent voice for students, teachers, and parents. His efforts include supporting initiatives that enhance educational opportunities, provide more resources for teachers, and ensure every student has access to quality education.

Affordable Health Care

We need transparency in health care. Senator MacEwen believes providers should be required to publish the cost of procedures, empowering patients to make informed decisions. Drew will overhaul Medicare so it aligns with our 21st century health care needs.

Balanced Federal Budget

It’s time to bring back fiscal responsibility on Capitol Hill. Senator MacEwen will fight to pass a budget and outline a plan to get the budget balanced over the next decade through serious reforms. He also supports a biennium budget with deadlines. If these deadlines aren’t met – Congress should be the first to go without payment.

Let’s choose a stronger, more secure, and prosperous future for our community and the nation.

Let’s choose Drew MacEwen for U.S. Congress.